Doll Cleaning & Maintenance

Keeping your sex doll well maintained is the key to preserving the longevity of your new ultra-realistic sex doll., and as such, we have put together a list of tips for maintaining the quality and life of your sex doll.


Always use a water-based lubricant when sexually using the vaginal, anal and oral canals to prevent tearing of the skin.
Use only water-based lubricant. Silicone or petroleum based lubes can damage your dolls skin.

How do I clean my sex doll?

Start by removing any excess lubricant or body fluid with a soft towel.
Remove the vaginal insert if applicable.
Remove the wig and clean this separately.
The insert can be washed in anti-bacterial warm soapy water in a sink and allowed to air dry thoroughly.
For the full doll – lay your doll on towels on a bed and use a spray bottle mix of (preferably sulfate free) soap and clean warm water, gently massage the doll’s skin with your hands, or wipe down with a clean sponge.
It is safest to lie your doll on top of towels and spray then wipe but if you are confident handling your doll’s weight and enjoy water-play, see below.
You can shower or bathe a doll if you take care of the “skeleton” eg try not to let the neck or head become too wet. You can cover the metal areas with a plastic bag if you find this easier or ensure feet (with metal bolts) are left out of the bath for example.
Wet dolls are slippery – a plastic stool in a shower is safer than standing.
Do not use abrasive soaps or any other general cleaning products.
Do not use hard sponges or wire brushes as this will cause damage.
It’s easiest to lie your doll on towels on a bed to allow to dry.
We recommend cleaning your doll directly after every use and dolls should be cleaned every 3-4 weeks as a minimum (Regardless of usage) by bath or shower using a mild antimicrobial soap.
It is fine to sit your doll in water or shower with her, but do not let her head or neck submerge under the water.This is to prevent rusting on any of the metal components.
Use a soft absorbent towel and gently pat your sex doll dry after cleansing.
Tip: try spreading the legs and using a small fan to hasten drying.
Do not put the doll near an open fire or a radiator to dry.

How do I clean the vagina/ anus/ mouth?

To clean any of the openings, we recommend using a water irrigator to spray into the opening, allowing the water to run out of the opening. You can use a shower-hose attachment if you don’t have a water irrigator but on a LOW and gentle setting.
Alternatively, you can simply use a wet (soft) cloth to clean manually with tepid soapy water. Ensure you clean thoroughly, reaching all areas of the opening.
You can also clean the openings while showering or bathing your doll using your hand or a small sponge (see above re care of skeleton)
With all methods of cleaning- leave your doll’s legs slightly open, so that the vagina and anus are open to the air, and can dry naturally. Don’t leave your doll’s legs too far apart as this can cause damage over time.
Once the doll is completely dry, apply a small amount of vaseline to love holes.
Do not use abrasive soaps or any other harsh chemical cleaning products.

How do I clean my sex doll’s face?

Remove the wig if possible.
Apply warm antibacterial soapy water with a sponge or cotton cloth and gently massage the face.
Please note: Make-up is semi-permanent and can fade or be removed with mineral oil so it’s best to avoid excessive cleaning or rubbing to preserve the longevity of make-up.
Pay close attention not to damage the eyes and eyelashes, avoid getting these areas wet.
If you would like to remove the eyes prior to cleaning they are removable from the front by gently stretching the socket open, taking care not to damage the eyelashes.
Gently pat down the face with a dry non-abrasive cloth, allow to air dry naturally before re-attaching to the body.

Dry Your Sex Doll

Ensuring your doll has dried completely is as important to limit the chance of damage.
Pat-dry gently with a clean soft cotton cloth and allow the skin to air-dry fully.
Do not use a hard sponge/ brush or wire wool for cleaning – it will cause damage.
Do not rub the doll with a towel, use a ‘patting’ motion if using a towel to dry.
Apply talcum powder (talc) to your doll’s body once dry. Do not apply talc while your doll is still wet.
Apply talcum powder to the doll’s body after cleaning, this preserves the skin and prevents damage from friction.
Apply talc to your doll every two weeks, or at a minimum- monthly (depending on use).
Do not apply any other substances on the skin, such as fragrance oils.

Sex Doll Wig Care

The sex doll wigs should always be removed from the dolls head before cleaning.
You may use shampoo and conditioner if you wish.
We recommend combing the hair straight after cleaning allowing the wig to air dry on a wig stand.
Do not dry the wig on the dolls head.
Do not use hair products to style the hair, they may cause damage to the doll’s skin and face.

Sex Doll Skin Care

Use a brush to apply baby powder on her skin to keep her skin is lifelike smooth if you find her skin is not smooth. Please do it only when her body is dry. This is important to avoid tearing of her skin.
Please make sure the clothing you put on her is color transfer resistant. Dark colour and low-quality clothing can easily transfer the colour on her skin. Please wash the clothing a few times to prevent it happens. If it really happens, you can use the TPE Doll Stain Removal to remove the stains. Alternatively, you can also use olive oil to wipe on the stains, then use a wet cloth to wipe the stain off.
Please keep her away from magazines, coloured leather, newspaper, or any of such to avoid colour transferred to her.
Do not leave your dolls arms or legs up or open for any period of time longer than a few minutes. If you leave your doll with her arms up or legs spread, the stress placed on the TPE will cause tearing. You may return to find your dolls underarms or the groin area has split apart, which then will require repair. So take care to always return your doll back to a neutral stress-free position, with arms down by her sides and legs closed, when you are not using her.
Don’t expose your sex doll to direct sunlight to prevent ageing of the TPE material.
TPE is soft and is subject to flattening and creasing if left in a sitting position or laying on a surface for a length of time. When leaving your doll unattended for more than a few days, be sure to hang her with the Closet Bar Suspension Kit to keep her free from compression marks and creasing.
TPE contains oil, it’s what makes the TPE so soft and jiggly. So take care not to place your doll on unsealed surfaces that may leach the oil from her and dry out her skin causing it to crack or split.

Sex Doll Skeleton Care

Your sex doll has a metal skeleton and movable joints to allow her to stay flexible. You are able to move her limbs and body, activities will leave traces on her body, this is perfectly normal.
Please understand all of our dolls are not allowed have full swing in different angles. You are not supposed to put extreme force to move her joints for any positions.
Do not knock her against hard surfaces, do not drop her.
Avoid her from any sharp items, they will hurt your doll.
Try not to leave her in the same position for too long, not even leaving her lying on a hard surface for long. As this is TPE, the shape will be altered if she is in the same position for long, for example, her ass will be flatter even she lied down too long. The best option would be hang up your doll. You can purchase a set of suspension kit.

Tips for replacing fingernails

Lay the doll in the neutral position.
Align the (loose) fingernails that have fallen off with the bare fingernails. This is so you can work out which fingernail matches which finger.
Once you have selected your fingernail, apply a thin and even layer of glue on the bare fingernail area. Ensure the area is clean and dry first, free from any dirt or talc.
Do not over apply the glue, aim for an even yet thin covering. Avoid applying too much, causing it to spill outside the nail area.
Once aligned correctly, press and hold the nail on for 5 seconds – without touching any glue.
Excess glue is difficult to remove, so it’s best to avoid any spillages altogether. In the event of glue overspill, remove the glue immediately with a microfibre cloth and hot soapy water.

Tips for replacing the eyes

Lay the doll in the neutral position.
Gently and carefully pull the eyelids apart (Up and down, not left and right) with one hand, without touching the eyelashes or make-up.
With the other hand, remove the eye and remove all the packing.
“Scrunch” the packing tightly into the new eye.
With one hand, pull the eyes apart, without touching the eyelashes or make-up.
With the other hand, pop the new eye into the socket.
Tips for reattaching loose eyelashes:
Lay your doll down flat, facing upwards.
Apply a small amount of glue to a paperclip, pin, cocktail stick or any other household “tool” with a fine tip. We recommend a cocktail stick.
Pull the eyelash gently back and apply glue to the back of the eyelash (not the doll)
Holding the ends of the eyelash and not touching the glue, press it carefully into the position you want it to stick
Hold for 5 seconds and let go.

Handling, moving and storing my sex doll:

Avoid storing the doll in direct sunlight, this can cause damage and discolouration.
Store the doll at room temperature, in a dry environment. Avoid bathrooms/ garages or other storage areas that can become damp or prone to mould.
Do not leave the doll on artificial or stained materials including leather sofas or in dark clothing for long periods.
Keep the doll away from open flames.
Avoid leaving the doll in difficult positions for extended periods of time, the skin can become stretched and damaged and even split if not returned to a natural position after use. Natural is considered lying as though boxed.
We recommend the following options; storing the doll lying flat in a sex doll storage box or the original packaging box, standing (with support eg a pillow behind their backside against the wall) is also ok for some dolls that are not too busty or lying in your bed if you have a memory foam mattress.
When handling or moving your doll, be sure to follow general rules for moving heavy objects: Keep your back straight, bend with the knees and hips.
We find the dolls are easiest to move when held vertical. We recommend wrapping both arms around the doll’s waist forming a ‘Bearhug’ position.
Do not lift the doll using any of the limbs or head, always hold the body.
DO NOT throw over your shoulder as you could put pressure on the “spine”.

Don’t do these at any time

Do not submerge your dolls head in water at any point.
Do not use abrasive soaps or any other harsh cleaning products.
Do not use harsh materials or hard/sharp objects.
Do not apply too much pressure on the skin or skeleton.
Do not use a hairdryer or any other heating device on your doll.
Do not attempt to speed up drying by leaving near a radiator/ fire or any other heating device. (A cool fan will do the trick)
Do not apply perfumes as these contain alcohol which is very drying*
Do not use baby wipes, yes really. (the ingredients damage TPE)
Do not use any kind of solvent unless advised for repair.
Do not use silicone based lubricants/products.
Do not dress or store in dark clothes unless checked for colour fastness eg soak repeatedly in basin until water is clear and dye no longer runs.