Consumers are seduced by inflatable sex dolls which like a real girl, intelligent sex robots that look like two drops of water to a human, are about to knock on the door of our homes.
The sex doll has all of a sex toy
If we have sex with robot sex dolls and if they can talk, will we still see them as mere objects? Will an adultery be accused of a married man in full swing with an intelligent sex doll?
We do not love each other to be faithful, we are faithful because this fidelity serves our love.

These sex doll are more than a pleasure doll.
Masturbatory fantasies – and thus the sex robot – do not have much to do with all that. A fantasy is often of the order of the involuntary, it escapes the person. The inflatable sex doll, intelligent or not, has all of an improved sex toy on which we project the affect. A good hand-job, nothing more.
To be in love with a sex doll is to be in love with an object. The machine responds to a one-sided need of a person who is struggling to build relationships with others. In the relationship, what is interesting is reciprocity. Sexuality is marked by enjoyment and frustration.

A relationship of dependence
The love life is more human if it takes place in a relationship of otherness.
A sexual relationship with a robot would be closer to the most fleeting relationship possible with a prostitute or with someone whose only object you use. Because the love doll will always remain a machine. Fetishism, the strong attachment for a thing, does not date from today. Some adore adoration for stilettos, for example. From there to talk about love, there is a step.
The fact that the robot looks like a human. And if we fall in love anyway? Let’s not forget that many Japanese claim to like video game characters or inflatable Japanese real dolls. The sex doll is a double that responds to what we want. More than love, it’s addiction. But, casually, addiction can be a deception if the other feels sidelined.

To sleep with a sex doll that looks like us, that interacts like us and develops feelings of love for her, it become normal today, right?