Tag Archives: Covid-19

Is It Safe To Receive Parcels Now?


Is it safe to receive parcels amid the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus crisis)? Should I leave the parcel on the pouch for a few days? Do I need to disinfect the parcel? These are some of the most asked questions in our mail and it’s only fair that we address it. As you know, there’s a […]

How to fulfil sexual desire with a sex doll during COVID-19?


Over half of the world population is under some form of travel restriction and social distancing decree. Italy, Spain, France, and El Salvador strict restrictions put in place to slow the spread of the virus. Globally, work, travel, leisure activities, church going, and other aspects of life have been affected as governments look for ways […]

Sex Doll Become Your Best Sexual Partner in 2021


We’ve come a long way since WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic and 2021 isn’t the time to give up. Of course, last year was harsh considering the last pandemic took us by surprise, but the virus hasn’t completely died down. So, with the stigma fading away, the virus still hanging around, and technology booming, there […]

Love Dolls Help Real Sexual Desires


With the continuous spread of the COVID-19, people’s dating become more difficult. Of course, single people want to have sexual life has become a problem that is not easy to solve. At this time, a sex doll can reduce loneliness and ease realistic sexual desires. Merchant acceptance will continue to increase.Some hurdles can be reduced […]

2021 Is The Best Time to Buy a Sex Doll


From 2020, we just came off one of the most unpredictable if not horrifying years. The Covid-19 stalled everything in our day to day life, and sex wasn’t an exception.  The lockdown and other virus containment measures separated long-time partners and brought conventional dating to a halt. What’s more, the divorce rate is at its […]